A Letter from Keith and Patty Whitehead
Hello, This Is Keith Whitehead and my wife and I were recently at Boerne for the Hope For Heroes.
When Brad told me about this event I was thinking it would give me and the wife time to get away for a weekend and enjoy each other's company and to get away from the daily grind because we haven't done much but stay at home and go to work since the Covid Pandemic.
I've Been on the San Antonio Police Dept. for 27 Years. In those years I have received Two Official life-saving awards and a Purple Heart. I enjoy helping others in need of help and this is why I joined the Police Dept.
I must admit the last few years have been kind of wearing me down with all the defunding the police movement and all the protests where the public has been shaming the Police. It just seemed that the world had turned upside down where good was evil and evil was good so it seemed. Thankfully it hasn't been so bad here in San Antonio so far. Most of the citizens here love the police and the police love the citizens we serve.
From time to time I get people who would come up and thank me for my service and that gives me joy especially when a kid would thank me. It really helps to keep me going and continue doing the job.
I want to give a big Thank You to everyone who showed up at the Hotel and gave a big warm greeting. I must admit that it caught me off guard and I did not know how to react watching all those strangers taking time out of their busy day to come and greet me by clapping and thanking me for my service. It was very overwhelming and heartwarming to see all those folks. My wife was really surprised herself, she whispered "is that for us or is someone standing behind us". LOL.
We had a great time visiting downtown and eating at a few restaurants. We ate at Peggy's for lunch and Dog and Pony for the live band for dinner and the wife walked in all the stores throughout the day.
We ended the night at the hotel at the bar listening to a cowboy singing in the lobby with other hotel guests, which turned out to be pretty fun also.
So Thank You all again and this will be something me and my wife will never forget. It is so wonderful to know that what I do matters to so many people.
Thank you all and Thank you for all the Prayers.
Keith and Patty Whitehead.